Building Resources through the Defense Hardtech Accelerator

Building Resources through the Defense Hardtech Accelerator

Building Resources through the Defense Hardtech Accelerator 1200 800 sccadmin

The Centrepolis Accelerator at Lawrence Technological University was created to enhance the growth of Michigan’s advanced manufacturing, innovative hardware entrepreneurs and small manufacturers. The Centrepolis team of business development and technology experts focus on providing companies with the necessary tools and environment to thrive.

To this end, the Centrepolis Accelerator has collaborated with the U.S. Army to launch the Defense Hardtech Accelerator (DHA) Program. The goal of the program is to help the U.S. Department of Defense identify and assist companies with advanced technologies that bolster domestic product development and manufacturing and reduce supply chain gaps.

The global program’s presence in Michigan was driven by the many companies with applications for both commercial and defense sectors.

“The Defense Hardtech Accelerator is geared toward supply chain resiliency and domestic manufacturing,” says Program Director Chad Darr. “We have a lot of great dual-purpose tech companies here in Michigan that are addressing supply chain resiliency as well as supply chain gaps. These businesses are manufacturing their products here in the states instead of going offshore.”

The program emphasizes domestic design, engineering, prototyping and manufacturing, with a focus on technologies such as mobility, electrification, light weighting, drones and improved logistics for ground vehicle applications.