City of Southfield Continues to Increase ‘Pothole Patrol’ Throughout City

City of Southfield Continues to Increase ‘Pothole Patrol’ Throughout City

City of Southfield Continues to Increase ‘Pothole Patrol’ Throughout City 150 150 southfieldcc_3ik8d2

Special hotline (248/796-4000) setup to report potholes

 The city of Southfield makes every effort to maintain and repair all roads within the City’s jurisdiction in a timely manner. Due to the severity of weather this winter, the City has increased the number of crews that are actively repairing potholes. The city of Southfield currently has four crews working twelve-hour shifts to repair potholes throughout the city on a priority basis. In a typical winter, two four-person crews generally use approximately 300 tons of cold patch in repairing pot holes. This winter, the City has already gone through more than 450 tons of cold patch to date.

The Streets and Highway Division of Public Works is responsible for maintaining 246 miles of road within the City. The Division handles all street cleaning; snow and ice removal; tree trimming; street signs; right-of-way mowing; and open drain and storm sewer repair. The Division also performs both targeted and generalized pavement repair as part of the City’s Pothole Patrol program.

The City of Southfield recognizes that dealing with snow, ice covered roads and potholes are inconveniences we all must face. Our road crews do their best to clear the roads as quickly and safely as possible in addition to repairing potholes as they occur when possible. Due to the severity of this winter’s weather, continual repairs to certain roads has been required. Crews will often patch a particular stretch of road one day, only to have to return the next day to make the same repairs all over again.

Please contact the City’s special hotline at (248) 796-4000 to report any potholes or other road issues. Visit the City’s Web site at to determine the jurisdiction of all primary roads in the City of Southfield. Information on how to contact the other appropriate agencies of needed repairs or other issues is also included. We appreciate your patience and cooperation during this process.

City of Southfield Primary Road Jurisdiction Map>>