Runners warm up before the Summer Soulstice Sun Run at Soutfield City Center on Saturday, June 19, 2016.
SOUTHFIELD — Although spring has just begun, local event organizers are encouraging residents to lace up their running shoes and strap on their party hats ahead of the new summertime Southfield Spirit Fest.
According to Southfield Community Relations Director Michael Manion, the city of Southfield is putting together a brand-new event in conjunction with the annual Summer Soulstice run.
City officials are planning a parade ahead of the run, called Southfield Spirit Fest, June 17.
The parade will take off from Lawrence Technological University’s Don Riddler Field, 21000 W. 10 Mile Road; head down Civic Center Drive; and end up on the front lawn of the Southfield Municipal Complex, 26000 Evergreen Road.
Read the full article here: http://www.candgnews.com/news/city-teams-soulstice-run-new-southfield-spirit-fest-100221