Community Feast Focuses on Sustainability

Community Feast Focuses on Sustainability

Community Feast Focuses on Sustainability 1200 800 sccadmin

The importance of eliminating food-related waste was the theme during Southfield’s “Community Feast” hosted by Make Food Not Waste. The free educational event, held April 13th at the Southfield Pavilion, was designed to inspire attendees to enjoy food with an awareness of how to reduce waste.

As part of its overall sustainability initiative, the City of Southfield is working to become the first city in the state to eliminate food waste, says Souzan Hanna, ENV SP, LEED AP, sustainability planner with the Southfield Planning Department.

During the event, attendees enjoyed a meal prepared by professional chefs using food that would otherwise go to waste and end up in landfills, while local food vendors and organizations working to reduce food waste in the community provided tips for grocery shopping and simple cooking methods.

Make Food Not Waste is a nonprofit organization working to keep food out of landfills by creating lasting solutions to food waste through education, food upcycling and advocacy.

For more information visit