Pollinator Garden in Bloom

Pollinator Garden in Bloom

Pollinator Garden in Bloom 1200 800 sccadmin

The Southfield City Centre Monarch Butterfly & Pollinator Garden is buzzing right along as summer kicks into high gear.

With plans for this pollinator-friendly demonstration garden finalized last fall, it’s been full speed ahead, says Souzan Hanna, ENV SP, LEED AP, Sustainability Planner with the Southfield Planning Department.

Saving Monarch butterflies from extinction is the inspiration for the garden, which was spearheaded by the Southfield Planning Department, Southfield City Centre and Eaton Corp.

“The first phase began last year with installation of a vibrant Monarch butterfly sculpture, an educational panel, benches and wayfinding signs,” notes Hanna.

Located on the Eaton Corp. campus, adjacent to the Southfield City Centre Trail, the garden was designed by Juno Solutions, LLC, in collaboration with Terry Croad, AICP, ASLA, Director of Planning for the City of Southfield. Phases I and II have been fully installed by Artistic Outdoor Services, Inc., with a phase III planting in the fall.

“Employees, residents, students and visitors are encouraged to watch the progression from the Southfield City Centre Trail as more and more butterflies, bees and other pollinating insects discover the garden,” says Croad.

According to Joane Slusky, landscape architect and owner of Juno Solutions, LLC, much goes into the layout, design and selection of native plants for the garden, including various blooming stages, ample nectar supply, plant height and resistance to the deer and rabbit population. “In addition to nectar, the plants we select provide shelter for the pollinators and the small boulders we incorporate allow butterflies to extract salts and minerals from water that collects on their surfaces and indentations.”

“The pollinator garden project goes hand in hand with our commitment to sustainability and brings awareness to the decline of pollinators,” says Hanna. “We hope to inspire other communities to design similar gardens to attract butterflies, bees and other pollinators to urban areas.”